4900 Overton Ridge Blvd #109,
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(817) 738-3368

How Do I Know If I Have Cavities Between My Teeth?

January 4, 2022

man with toothache

Cavities are caused when the protective enamel wears away and bacteria stick on your tooth to trigger decay, but they don’t always occur in the locations you might expect. When one forms between your teeth, it is known as an interproximal cavity. Often, it can be more difficult to detect them because they aren’t seen as easily. Without the use of an X-ray, they can stay hidden. Read on to learn the concern about cavities between teeth, the ways your dentist in Fort Worth can treat them, and what you can do to prevent them in the future.

Why Is a Cavity Between Teeth Worrisome?

For most patients, it takes a while to discover they have an interproximal cavity. By the time you become aware of it, it is deep enough to trigger sensitivity and discomfort. That means the decay has already reached the dentin, which is the layer of your tooth beneath the enamel. One way you can know for sure if you have an interproximal cavity is via an X-ray at the dentist’s office.

How Can My Dentist Treat an Interproximal Cavity?

Depending on the severity of the decay, your dentist will treat your tooth in one of the following ways:

  • Dental Crown: This is a natural-looking cover placed over a tooth to protect it. They are commonly used on teeth that have undergone a large filling or root canal.
  • Extraction: If your dentist is unable to save your tooth, they may have no other choice but to extract it. This gap can be filled with a tooth replacement option like a dental implant or bridge.
  • Recalcification: When a cavity is caught early on and does not extend deep into the enamel, it can generally be recalcified with a fluoride gel.
  • Filling: If your cavity is a bit deeper, your dentist can restore the tooth with a filling. First, they will drill to remove the decay, then it will be filled with a tooth-colored material.
  • Root Canal: For more severe cavities that have gone undetected for a long time, your dentist may perform a root canal to save the tooth. During this procedure, they remove the pulp, clean out the center, and seal it with a filling.

How Do I Prevent Cavities Between My Teeth?

Because your toothbrush can’t reach certain areas of your mouth, such as between the teeth, it is important you take time to floss at least once daily. Other steps you can take to reduce the opportunity for tooth decay is to use mouthwash and cut back on sugary treats and beverages.

Another great way to prevent cavities between teeth, or anywhere for that matter, is to visit your dentist in Fort Worth regularly for a cleaning and exam. When you and your dentist work together, interproximal cavities don’t stand a chance!

About the Author

Dr. Karen Neil has placed a priority on building trust with her patients for more than three decades. She earned her dental doctorate from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Dr. Neil is proud to be a member of the House of Delegates for the Texas Dental Association. If you need to treat an interproximal cavity with a crown, filling, root canal, or another method, Dr. Neil is ready to help. If you simply need a dental cleaning and exam to keep cavities at bay, she’ll take care of that as well. You can schedule an appointment on her website or by calling (817) 738-3368.